Media Habits of Ad-Supported Streamers

Media Habits of Ad-Supported Streamers

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What are the media habits of people who stream ad-supported video? Do they watch linear TV?  Where do they get their news information from, and what news media do they trust the most?

To answer some of these questions, TVB conducted an analysis using data from the 2023 Media Comparisons Study by GfK. We focused exclusively on adults 18+ who use a streaming service on a TV set or mobile device (smartphone, computer, or tablet) to stream programs/movies with advertising, as well as other video than TV programs or movies, like YouTube or online-only videos.

Topline findings include:
  • TV has higher reach and time spent for ad-supported streamers than ad-free streaming platforms.
  • 90% of ad-supported streamers also watch linear TV.
  • Ad-supported streamers’ primary source for news is broadcast TV.
  • Local TV news is the most trusted news source for streamers and local TV news websites/apps are the most trusted digital source. Social media is the least trusted.
  • TV is the top advertising medium for purchase influence for ad-supported streamers.
  • Ad-supported streamers are more likely to be motivated by TV ads to conduct research online than the average 18+ adult.
  • Ad-supported streamers are more likely to watch ads on a local TV station website and read or watch local broadcast TV station content on a social media site than the average adult 18+.
Source: GfK TVB Media Comparisons Study 2023. M-S 4A-2A. Persons 18+ ad-supported streamers on TV or mobile device. Online/internet platforms are totaled for any online device-PC, Smartphone and Tablets.
Source: GfK TVB Media Comparisons Study 2023. M-S 4A-2A. Persons 18+ Streamers with advertising on TV or mobile device.
Source: GfK TVB Media Comparisons Study 2023. Persons 18+ Streamers with advertising on TV or mobile device. Includes only those who chose a media.QO5 – Which one of the following sources, if any, would you say is your primary source for news? Broadcast TV News & Broadcast TV News Websites/Apps include local TV station & broadcast network telecasts and websites/apps for news/weather/sports.

For more information, please contact Hadassa Gerber, Chief Research Officer, TVB.